For as long as I can remember, I told people "I can't run." But in March of 2009, I decided that this was no longer an option. From my first 5K to my second half marathon, I've endured my highest highs and lowest lows as an official Runner. This year I want to embrace running for something beyond times and distances.

Running is so much more than merely getting out there. I want to get out there and love it.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

End of Week 2

Well here we are already at the end of week 2! I wouldn't say that running is getting "easier" per se, but I find that every time I go, I like it more! I always look forward to it, and, like today for example, sometimes I have to stop myself from going! I think my knees need a break. I can feel a little more pain than usual when I go upstairs now. But I had a feeling that would happen since my knees have ALWAYS been rough. But if I keep my training steady and don't overdo it, I'm sure I'll build up some endurance in them. Hopefully!

Week 2 Stats:
Walk 1 Min/Run 2 Min (15 mins total)
Total Distance: 5.42 mi
Ave Distance: 1.355 mi/day
Ave Time: ~11:20 min mi

All good stats! I obviously raised my mileage adding on that extra minute, but I also shaved off a few seconds on my average time. THIS, however, won't always be the case. I can imagine that I'll undoubtedly hit a block where I'll be running longer than my body is ready for in the next few weeks, maybe even this next week, and I'll have to slow it way down.

I'm ready for the 1min/3min intervals! I think I've found a comfortable pace/stride's just a matter of controlling my breathing. I can see having a little trouble with that tomorrow. I wonder if there will be snow all over the place??

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