So as a pick me up, here's a fun TOP TEN LIST of running stuff I'd love (and some stuff I actually need!). It's too bad I couldn't think of these things 2-3 months ago when it was CHRISTMAS and my BIRTHDAY. That's the part that bites about having them so close together...I can't spread out my prezzies!
1. 5th Gen iPod nano in Orange (of course!) -

As I've mentioned, I currently own a 1st gen iPod nano from 2005. It holds 400 songs. I can no longer add new mp3s (via itunes 9...I'd have to downgrade). It stays charged for 15 minutes. The 5th gen has a radio, takes video, fits 2000 songs, keeps charged for 24 straight hours, and comes in orange! I mean talk about an upgrade!! I think after five years I deserve it ;)
*Update! I'll be receiving my lovely orange iPod on Tuesdayish WEEEE!!! Thanks Uverse rebate!
2. Sugoi Speedster2 Hooded Shirt -

Well, cold weather is almost over, so I won't really need this badboy. However, it's a. out of stock in most places, and b. $40 off on Amazon! So I should really take advantage.
3. Fuel Belt Palm Holder Water Bottle - $13.95

This seems to be a well-suggested option for carrying water. And it isn't SO expensive where if I don't like it, I'm out a bunch of money!
4. Nike Women's Pacer Seamless Long Sleeve Shirt - $50

Ok, again, it's going to be warm soon (yay!), so I won't need this. It's also pretty expensive. But I like it, and maybe I'll get it later :)
5. Nike Pro - Core 2.5" Women's Training Compression Shorts - $22

WARM WEATHER! I have only one pair of shorts that don't ride up that much. It would be FAB to get some more pairs that are comfy and cool. After a bunch of research, I found these slick shorts.
6. Road I.D. - $19.99

When I run at night, or when my legs hurt, or when I'm crossing a busy intersection, I have these flashes of being attacked, passing out, or being injured in some way. Call me crazy! But this would be a great thing to have on my person, as I never carry my ID or anything with me.
7. Hammer Gel 12pk - $14.55

Mmmmmmmm Espresso ;)
8. Adjustable Hot & Cold Wrap -

Very basic and inexpensive, but adjustable to use on other parts of my body that might hurt. TWO of these would be nice, actually, so I can ice both knees at once! Now if I had a million dollars, I might go with this Moji knee ice pack...but $89? Yowzha. In any case, now that I'm done with my push ups, I'm icing my knee....with a grocery bag full of ice cubes. I'm ghetto fab with my DIY ice pack and antique iPod!
9. Valeo Adjustable Ankle Weights -

I've got some knee issues, it's clear. To help this issues, I'm going to work a combo of these stretches, these and these too into my weekly routine. But I'm going to need some ankle weights, and the adjustable (2-10lbs) version is absolutely perfect! And much less ghetto than the 8lb hand weight/scarf combo I was trying to concoct the other night....
10. ideclarecharms necklace - $59+

The "$59" includes the personalized hollow charm (Katie • Must Run!) and the little Runner Girl charm...doesn't include the chain though, which would be at least $30, so I'm pretty sure I could find something in my jewelry box ;)
And that's that! For now I'm going with the ipod, the ice packs, and the ankle weights...maaaaaybe the hoodie, such a good deal! What are YOUR wish lists, two readers?! I encourage you to post your own! It'll probably give me more ideas to expand my own ;)
I am also wishing for a new iPod. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the one I have now... I just want the new features... and more space. I am glad you were able to get yours. :)
ReplyDeleteI am currently obsessed with running clothes and gear from Lululemon. I think they purely get me on the small fun details of their clothes.
Well, I am down in Florida ready to run my first half tomorrow! Couldn't sleep at all last night! Hope I don't pick up a bug!
Hope you have a good weekend and feel better soon!
-Steph from the stateline
Omg GOOD LUCK!!!! Seriously, you gotta let me know how it goes! PS That Lululemon stuff is adorable. Want. Not get some sleep!
ReplyDeleteI really need to get the road i.d....Skip always comments how it would take him FOREVER to find me in a ditch somewhere!
ReplyDeleteNow lets hear about the 10 miler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And awesome about the really takes the wind out of your sails doesn't it!
I just got the 5th gen nano in pink and I absolutely love it! I still have my shuffle, but I like the nano because I can put my running podcasts on it, listen to the radio, or take a video while running! I have the shoe attachment RoadID and completely believe in it. Anything to make our runs safer is a thumbs up! As for the water bottle, I have that same one from amazon and it's convenient. However, I always end up having to pee midrun with it...must be the sound of the water haha!
ReplyDeleteI love this. You have inspired me to put my own wish list together! And thanks for linking those stretches too! I will definitely check those out :)
I definitely need to get on the running podcast train for sure! Perfect for long runs!!
ReplyDeleteI've never had to pee on runs, except for the one race I was late for and didn't go beforehand :) I'm thinking that bringing water into the equation's going to change that ;)
Maggie, you should totally make a list!